23 March 2007

kind shane. kind jack.

a kind irish boy wrote about my little music project, as well as a new side project i have with mr. johnny lamb.

Girls Doing Embroidery write up

Lapka ee Ovechka write up

The Torture Garden Blog

and then i noticed that my pal, Jack Mudd, had actually found the site earlier and wrote his own review! See here

thank you, kind boys

oh i feel so very blessed!
oh i feel so excited about the gramophone family!
we are looking at whole houses now!

12 March 2007

The Tin Drum

After a pleasant day at The Museum of Natural History, I watched "The Tin Drum" with Mellissa and Ben last night. This is one of several banned films that are on my list.
Based on a book by Gunter Grass, the film was quite bizzare. It's basically about a boy who decides to stop growing at the age of 3 during the time of World War II. The story is intriguing and fascinating; I might read the book now (comparitavly it has more to it, always the case, no?).

The movie was banned for child pornography in Canada and Oklahoma because there are scenes of Oskar (main character) involved in sexual acts. Within the story he isn't a child, remember, he only looks like a child, but in reality he was an 11 year old actor. It is somewhat disturbing, but I recommend it for those that have an appreciation for the obscure and odd. If you liked Freaks, you'll like this.

Stay a Child Forever:

07 March 2007

The Young Folks

It's unrealistic to document absolutely all that I take in. So, instead, I will write about the things I like or really disliked. I'm not so sure I want to keep a list of everything. That's just boring card cataloging...and I'd rather be...blogging.

oh my.

best book recently read: Gift's from Eykis There is a chapter titled "The Secrets of the Universe". This book is very practical and teaches you reality-based thinking. I've applied some of the theories, formula's, and proverbs. So far so good. You can't give what you don't have.

films: I've seen many films since my last update... Brother's Keeper, Welcome to the Dollhouse, American Movie, Science of Sleep, Sex and Lucia, just to name a few. I've liked all of these. I didn't so much like The Gospel According to St. Matthew... looking forward to seeing his other film, though, Salo or 120 Days of Sodom. I found the written version by Marquis De Sade online. I've also found some of J.D Salinger's early short stories.

Here's both links:


the salinger one is somewhere in here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.D._Salinger

Have been to Paris since last post... the L'Ouvre was magical (photos on my facebook account)

Lately, fascinated by the art of Anthony Goicolea

Joanna Newsoms Ys
is one of the best albums. I'm still soaking it all in. It inspires me. Inspired me enough recently to tell my dear friends that we should live together in an art commune. and we're going to do it, too.

gotta run. always on the run.

love my new best friend. his name is Hope Street.